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Dilatação temporal e contração espacial são conceitos que decorrem da
Texto associado.
Um feixe de luz monocromática, propagando-se em um meio transparente com índice de refração n1, incide sobre a interface com um meio, também transparente, com índice de refração n2
Considere ?1 e ?2, respectivamente, os ângulos de incidência e de refração do feixe luminoso.
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas do enunciado abaixo, na ordem em que aparecem. 
Haverá reflexão total do feixe incidente se ........ e se o valor do ângulo de incidência for tal que ........ . 
Texto associado.

The complex linguistic universe of

Game of Thrones

1.Game of Thrones has garnered 38 Emmy

2.awards for its portrayal of a world of sex,

3.violence and politics so real that some viewers

4.could imagine moving there. Part of that detail

5.has been the creation of the richest linguistic

6.universe since J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle Earth.

7.In the field of language-creation for fictional

8.worlds, there is Tolkien, and there is everybody

9.else. But David Peterson, the language-smith

10.of Game of Thrones , comes a close second for

11.the amount of thought put into its two

12.languages, Dothraki and Valyrian. The interest

13.in these tongues is such that a textbook for

14.learning Dothraki has been published, while

15.Duolingo, a popular online language-learning

16.platform, now offers a course in High Valyrian.

17.Inspired by fictional languages such as those

18.in the Star Wars films and with a master’s

19.degree in linguistics, Peterson made Dothraki

20.and Valyrian as rich and realistic as possible.

21.Creating words is the easy part; anyone can

22.string together nonsense syllables. But

23.Peterson, like Tolkien, took the trouble to give

24his words etymologies and cousins, so that

25.the word for “feud” is related to the words

26.“blood” and “fight”. To make the languages

27.pronounceable but clearly foreign, he put

28.non-English sounds in high-frequency words

29.(like khaleesi , or queen), put the stress in

30.typically non-English places, and had words

31.begin with combinations of sounds that are

32.impossible in English, like hr .

33.Armed with a knowledge of common linguistic

34.sound changes, he gives his languages the

35kinds of irregularities and disorder that arise in

36.the real world: High Valyrian’s obar

37(“curve”) becomes Astapori Valyrian’s uvor .

38.Words’ meanings—as in real life—drift, too,

39.giving the system more realistic messiness.

40.Languages also play a prominent role in the

41.storyline. Dothraki is the guttural language of

42.a horse-borne warrior nation, but high-born

43.Daenerys Targaryen does not look down on it;

44.methodically learning it is key to her rise.

45.Tyrion Lannister is left to administer the city

46.of Mereen despite his ropy command of

47.Valyrian, leading to some comic moments.

48.And a prophecy of a future hero acquires new

49.meaning when an interpreter explains that the

50.word in question is ambiguous in Valyrian—it

51.could be “prince” or “princess”.

52.It might seem odd that a highly sexist society

53.like the one of Game of Thrones would have

54.languages where sex roles were not clearly

55.marked, but languages are not always perfect

56.vehicles for a culture. Random change can

57.leave them with too many words for one

58.concept, and not enough for another. In this

59.way, the flawed nature of language reflects

60.the foibles of flawed humans and the

61.imperfect worlds they strive to create.

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Acesso em: 21 nov. 2017.

A palavra foibles (l. 60) pode ser substituída, sem prejuízo do sentido empregado no texto, por
Texto associado.
The complex linguistic universe of
Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones has garnered 38 Emmy
awards for its portrayal of a world of sex,
violence and politics so real that some viewers
could imagine moving there. Part of that detail
has been the creation of the richest linguistic
universe since J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle Earth.
In the field of language-creation for fictional
worlds, there is Tolkien, and there is everybody
else. But David Peterson, the language-smith
of Game of Thrones , comes a close second for
the amount of thought put into its two
languages, Dothraki and Valyrian. The interest
in these tongues is such that a textbook for
learning Dothraki has been published, while
Duolingo, a popular online language-learning
platform, now offers a course in High Valyrian.
Inspired by fictional languages such as those
in the Star Wars films and with a master’s
degree in linguistics, Peterson made Dothraki
and Valyrian as rich and realistic as possible.
Creating words is the easy part; anyone can
string together nonsense syllables. But
Peterson, like Tolkien, took the trouble to give
his words etymologies and cousins, so that
the word for “feud” is related to the words
“blood” and “fight”. To make the languages
pronounceable but clearly foreign, he put
non-English sounds in high-frequency words
(like khaleesi , or queen), put the stress in
typically non-English places, and had words
begin with combinations of sounds that are
impossible in English, like hr .
Armed with a knowledge of common linguistic
sound changes, he gives his languages the
kinds of irregularities and disorder that arise in
the real world: High Valyrian’s obar
(“curve”) becomes Astapori Valyrian’s uvor .
Words’ meanings—as in real life—drift, too,
giving the system more realistic messiness.
Languages also play a prominent role in the
storyline. Dothraki is the guttural language of
a horse-borne warrior nation, but high-born
Daenerys Targaryen does not look down on it;
methodically learning it is key to her rise.
Tyrion Lannister is left to administer the city
of Mereen despite his ropy command of
Valyrian, leading to some comic moments.
And a prophecy of a future hero acquires new
meaning when an interpreter explains that the
word in question is ambiguous in Valyrian—it
could be “prince” or “princess”.
It might seem odd that a highly sexist society
like the one of Game of Thrones would have
languages where sex roles were not clearly
marked, but languages are not always perfect
vehicles for a culture. Random change can
leave them with too many words for one
concept, and not enough for another. In this
way, the flawed nature of language reflects
the foibles of flawed humans and the
imperfect worlds they strive to create.
Adaptado de:
Acesso em: 21 nov. 2017.
Associe as palavras da coluna da esquerda aos seus respectivos sinônimos, na coluna da direita, de acordo com o sentido que têm no texto. 
( ) garnered (l. 01) 
( ) look down on (l. 43) 
( ) ropy (l. 46) 
( ) strive (l. 61) 
1. despise 
2. earned 
3. old-fashioned 
4. observe 
5. poor 
6. endeavor 
7. celebrated 
8. aim 
A sequência correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é
Texto associado.
Uma carga negativa Q é aproximada de uma esfera condutora isolada, eletricamente neutra. A esfera é, então, aterrada com um fio condutor.
Se a carga Q for afastada para bem longe enquanto a esfera está aterrada, e, a seguir, for desfeito o aterramento, a esfera ficará ........ . Por outro lado, se primeiramente o aterramento for desfeito e, depois, a carga Q for afastada, a esfera ficará ........ .  
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas do enunciado abaixo, na ordem em que aparecem.
Texto associado.
Sobre autores do Naturalismo brasileiro, assinale com V (verdadeiro) ou F (falso) as seguintes afirmações. 
( ) Em A carne, de Júlio Ribeiro, faz-se presente a tensão entre intelectualidade e desejo sexual, em especial no corpo da protagonista Lenita. 
( ) Em Bom-crioulo, de Adolfo Caminha, há o relacionamento homossexual entre o escravo fugido Amaro e o marinheiro branco Aleixo. 
( ) Em O Ateneu, de Raul Pompéia, há denúncia de preconceito sofrido pelo menino negro Sérgio, no colégio interno onde estuda. 
( ) Em O mulato, de Aluísio Azevedo, o casal formado pelo “mulato” Raimundo e por sua prima branca Ana Rosa é bem aceito pelos demais personagens do romance. 
A sequência correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é 
Texto associado.
Uma quantidade de calor Q = 56.100,0 J é fornecida a 100 g de gelo que se encontra inicialmente a -10 °C. Sendo o calor específico do gelo cg = 2,1 J/(g°C), o calor específico da água ca = 4,2 J/(g°C) e o calor latente de fusão CL = 330,0 J/g.
A temperatura final da água em °C é, aproximadamente.
Uma fonte de tensão cuja força eletromotriz é de 15 V tem resistência interna de 5 ?. A fonte está ligada em série com uma lâmpada incandescente e com um resistor. Medidas são realizadas e constata-se que a corrente elétrica que atravessa o resistor é de 0,20 A, e que a diferença de potencial na lâmpada é de 4 V. Nessa circunstância, as resistências elétricas da lâmpada e do resistor valem, respectivamente,
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas do enunciado abaixo, 
na ordem em que aparecem. Quando um núcleo de urânio 238U92 absorve um nêutron, forma-se o núcleo 239U92, que é radioativo com meia-vida de 24 minutos. 
Núcleos de urânio 239U92 emitem radiação ........ , transformando-se em núcleos de netúnio 239Np93. Esse isótopo de netúnio também é radioativo com meia-vida de 2,3 dias. 
Ao emitirem radiação ........ , os núcleos de netúnio 239Np93 transformam-se em núcleos de plutônio 239Pu94, cuja meia-vida é cerca de 24.000 anos.