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Texto associado.
........ September 11, 2001, at 8:46 A.M., a
hijacked airliner crashed into the north tower
of the World Trade Center in New York. At
9:03 A.M. a second plane crashed into the
south tower. The resulting infernos caused
the buildings to collapse, the south tower
after burning for an hour and two minutes, the
north tower twenty-three minutes after
that. The attacks were masterminded by
Osama bin Laden in an attempt to intimidate
the United States and unite Muslims for a
restoration of the caliphate.
9/11, as the happenings of that day are now
called, has set off debates on a vast array of
topics. But I would like to explore a lesserknown
debate triggered by it. Exactly how
many events took place in New York on that
morning ........ September?
It could be argued that the answer is one.
The attacks on the two buildings were part of
a single plan conceived by one man in service
of a single agenda. They unfolded ........ a few
minutes and yards of each other, targeting
the parts of a complex with a single name,
design, and owner. And they launched a
single chain of military and political events in
their aftermath.
Or it could be argued that the answer is two.
The towers were distinct collections of glass
and steel separated by an expanse of space,
and they were hit at different times and went
out of existence at different times. The
amateur video that showed the second plane
closing in on the south tower as the north
tower billowed with smoke makes the twoness
unmistakable: while one event was frozen in
the past, the other loomed in the future.
The gravity of 9/11 would seem to make this
discussion frivolous to the point of impudence,
a matter of mere "semantics," as we say, with
its implication of splitting hairs. But the
relation of language to our inner and outer
worlds is a matter of intellectual fascination
and real-world importance.
______ "importance" is often hard to
quantify, ........ this case I can put an exact
value on it: 3,5 billion dollars. That was the
sum in a legal dispute for the insurance
payout to Larry Silverstein, the leaseholder of
the World Trade Center site. Silverstein’s
insurance policies stipulated a maximum
reimbursement for each destructive "event."
If 9/11 comprised a single event, he stood to
receive 3,5 billion dollars; if two, he stood to
receive 7 billion. In the trials, the attorneys
disputed the applicable meaning of the term
event. The lawyers for the leaseholder defined
it in physical terms (two collapses); those for
the insurance companies defined it in mental
terms (one plot). There is nothing "mere"
about semantics!
Adapted from: PINKER, Steven. The Stuff of
Thought . New York: Penguin, 2007. p. 1-2.
Consider the following propositions for rephrasing the fragment of sentence the south tower after burning for an hour and two minutes (l. 06-07). 
I - the south tower after having been burning for an hour and two minutes 
II - the south tower after it was burning for an hour and two minutes 
III- the south tower after it had been burning for an hour and two minutes 
If applied to the text, which ones would be correct and keep the literal meaning?
Texto associado.
Considere os seguintes sentidos possíveis para a palavra slate.
 I - A piece of rock laminated into shingles, used for roofing or siding. 
 II - A tablet used for writing on.
 III- A list of candidates for nomination or election.
Quais desses sentidos podem ser atribuídos à palavra slate, conforme empregada no segundo parágrafo do texto?
Texto associado.
........ September 11, 2001, at 8:46 A.M., a
hijacked airliner crashed into the north tower
of the World Trade Center in New York. At
9:03 A.M. a second plane crashed into the
south tower. The resulting infernos caused
the buildings to collapse, the south tower
after burning for an hour and two minutes, the
north tower twenty-three minutes after
that. The attacks were masterminded by
Osama bin Laden in an attempt to intimidate
the United States and unite Muslims for a
restoration of the caliphate.
9/11, as the happenings of that day are now
called, has set off debates on a vast array of
topics. But I would like to explore a lesserknown
debate triggered by it. Exactly how
many events took place in New York on that
morning ........ September?
It could be argued that the answer is one.
The attacks on the two buildings were part of
a single plan conceived by one man in service
of a single agenda. They unfolded ........ a few
minutes and yards of each other, targeting
the parts of a complex with a single name,
design, and owner. And they launched a
single chain of military and political events in
their aftermath.
Or it could be argued that the answer is two.
The towers were distinct collections of glass
and steel separated by an expanse of space,
and they were hit at different times and went
out of existence at different times. The
amateur video that showed the second plane
closing in on the south tower as the north
tower billowed with smoke makes the twoness
unmistakable: while one event was frozen in
the past, the other loomed in the future.
The gravity of 9/11 would seem to make this
discussion frivolous to the point of impudence,
a matter of mere "semantics," as we say, with
its implication of splitting hairs. But the
relation of language to our inner and outer
worlds is a matter of intellectual fascination
and real-world importance.
______ "importance" is often hard to
quantify, ........ this case I can put an exact
value on it: 3,5 billion dollars. That was the
sum in a legal dispute for the insurance
payout to Larry Silverstein, the leaseholder of
the World Trade Center site. Silverstein’s
insurance policies stipulated a maximum
reimbursement for each destructive "event."
If 9/11 comprised a single event, he stood to
receive 3,5 billion dollars; if two, he stood to
receive 7 billion. In the trials, the attorneys
disputed the applicable meaning of the term
event. The lawyers for the leaseholder defined
it in physical terms (two collapses); those for
the insurance companies defined it in mental
terms (one plot). There is nothing "mere"
about semantics!
Adapted from: PINKER, Steven. The Stuff of
Thought . New York: Penguin, 2007. p. 1-2.
Consider the following statements about the text. 
I - To take 9/11 as a single event ensues not only a smaller reimbursement from the insurance company, but also the acknowledgement of Osama bin Laden as the mastermind of the terrorist attacks. 
II - Larry Silverstein’s attorneys’ attempt to pin 9/11 as two events so as to collect twice as much the insurance reimbursement verges on impudence, since it gives way to frivolous discussions concerning a catastrophe. 
III- The text states that there is nothing simple about semantics because the meaning of the words we use to encompass reality are neither fixed nor unchanging, which allows several valid interpretations. 
Which ones are correct according to the text?
Texto associado.
Quando um núcleo de urânio 238U92 absorve um nêutron, forma-se o núcleo 239U92, que é radioativo com meia-vida de 24 minutos. 
Núcleos de urânio 239U92 emitem radiação ........ , transformando-se em núcleos de netúnio 239Np93. Esse isótopo de netúnio também é radioativo com meia-vida de 2,3 dias.
Ao emitirem radiação ........ , os núcleos de netúnio 239Np93 transformam-se em núcleos de plutônio 239Pu94, cuja meia-vida é cerca de 24.000 anos.
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas do enunciado abaixo, na ordem em que aparecem.
Texto associado.
Considere as afirmações abaixo, sobre o sistema Terra-Lua. 
I - Para acontecer um eclipse lunar, a Lua deve estar na fase Cheia. 
II - Quando acontece um eclipse solar, a Terra está entre o Sol e a Lua. 
III- Da Terra, vê-se sempre a mesma face da Lua, porque a Lua gira em torno do próprio eixo no mesmo tempo em que gira em torno da Terra. 
Quais estão corretas?
Texto associado.
........ September 11, 2001, at 8:46 A.M., a
hijacked airliner crashed into the north tower
of the World Trade Center in New York. At
9:03 A.M. a second plane crashed into the
south tower. The resulting infernos caused
the buildings to collapse, the south tower
after burning for an hour and two minutes, the
north tower twenty-three minutes after
that. The attacks were masterminded by
Osama bin Laden in an attempt to intimidate
the United States and unite Muslims for a
restoration of the caliphate.
9/11, as the happenings of that day are now
called, has set off debates on a vast array of
topics. But I would like to explore a lesserknown
debate triggered by it. Exactly how
many events took place in New York on that
morning ........ September?
It could be argued that the answer is one.
The attacks on the two buildings were part of
a single plan conceived by one man in service
of a single agenda. They unfolded ........ a few
minutes and yards of each other, targeting
the parts of a complex with a single name,
design, and owner. And they launched a
single chain of military and political events in
their aftermath.
Or it could be argued that the answer is two.
The towers were distinct collections of glass
and steel separated by an expanse of space,
and they were hit at different times and went
out of existence at different times. The
amateur video that showed the second plane
closing in on the south tower as the north
tower billowed with smoke makes the twoness
unmistakable: while one event was frozen in
the past, the other loomed in the future.
The gravity of 9/11 would seem to make this
discussion frivolous to the point of impudence,
a matter of mere "semantics," as we say, with
its implication of splitting hairs. But the
relation of language to our inner and outer
worlds is a matter of intellectual fascination
and real-world importance.
______ "importance" is often hard to
quantify, ........ this case I can put an exact
value on it: 3,5 billion dollars. That was the
sum in a legal dispute for the insurance
payout to Larry Silverstein, the leaseholder of
the World Trade Center site. Silverstein’s
insurance policies stipulated a maximum
reimbursement for each destructive "event."
If 9/11 comprised a single event, he stood to
receive 3,5 billion dollars; if two, he stood to
receive 7 billion. In the trials, the attorneys
disputed the applicable meaning of the term
event. The lawyers for the leaseholder defined
it in physical terms (two collapses); those for
the insurance companies defined it in mental
terms (one plot). There is nothing "mere"
about semantics!
Adapted from: PINKER, Steven. The Stuff of
Thought . New York: Penguin, 2007. p. 1-2.
Mark the statements below T (true) or F (false) according to the text.
( ) The semantic conflict between our inner and outer worlds frames the thesis of the text. 
( ) Semantics provides undisputed evidence to the claim that 9/11 comprised two events. 
( ) The author suggests that the amounts insured determine the importance of 9/11 as an event. 
( ) The legal dispute ensuing 9/11 aimed to determine either the oneness or the twoness of the event. 
The correct sequence of filling in the parentheses, from top to bottom, is
Texto associado.
Consider the following propositions for rephrasing the fragment of sentence the south tower after burning for an hour and two minutes (l. 06-07). 
 I - the south tower after having been burning for an hour and two minutes
 II - the south tower after it was burning for an hour and two minutes
 III- the south tower after it had been burning for an hour and two minutes
If applied to the text, which ones would be correct and keep the literal meaning? 
Dilatação temporal e contração espacial são conceitos que decorrem da.
Texto associado.
Instrução: A questão refere-se ao romance Diário da queda, de Michel Laub. 
Assinale a alternativa correta sobre o romance.
Texto associado.

The complex linguistic universe of

Game of Thrones

1.Game of Thrones has garnered 38 Emmy

2.awards for its portrayal of a world of sex,

3.violence and politics so real that some viewers

4.could imagine moving there. Part of that detail

5.has been the creation of the richest linguistic

6.universe since J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle Earth.

7.In the field of language-creation for fictional

8.worlds, there is Tolkien, and there is everybody

9.else. But David Peterson, the language-smith

10.of Game of Thrones , comes a close second for

11.the amount of thought put into its two

12.languages, Dothraki and Valyrian. The interest these tongues is such that a textbook for

14.learning Dothraki has been published, while

15.Duolingo, a popular online language-learning

16.platform, now offers a course in High Valyrian.

17.Inspired by fictional languages such as those the Star Wars films and with a master’s in linguistics, Peterson made Dothraki

20.and Valyrian as rich and realistic as possible.

21.Creating words is the easy part; anyone can

22.string together nonsense syllables. But

23.Peterson, like Tolkien, took the trouble to give

24his words etymologies and cousins, so that

25.the word for “feud” is related to the words

26.“blood” and “fight”. To make the languages

27.pronounceable but clearly foreign, he put

28.non-English sounds in high-frequency words

29.(like khaleesi , or queen), put the stress in

30.typically non-English places, and had words

31.begin with combinations of sounds that are

32.impossible in English, like hr .

33.Armed with a knowledge of common linguistic

34.sound changes, he gives his languages the

35kinds of irregularities and disorder that arise in

36.the real world: High Valyrian’s obar

37(“curve”) becomes Astapori Valyrian’s uvor .

38.Words’ meanings—as in real life—drift, too, the system more realistic messiness.

40.Languages also play a prominent role in the

41.storyline. Dothraki is the guttural language of

42.a horse-borne warrior nation, but high-born

43.Daenerys Targaryen does not look down on it;

44.methodically learning it is key to her rise.

45.Tyrion Lannister is left to administer the city

46.of Mereen despite his ropy command of

47.Valyrian, leading to some comic moments.

48.And a prophecy of a future hero acquires new

49.meaning when an interpreter explains that the

50.word in question is ambiguous in Valyrian—it

51.could be “prince” or “princess”.

52.It might seem odd that a highly sexist society the one of Game of Thrones would have

54.languages where sex roles were not clearly

55.marked, but languages are not always perfect

56.vehicles for a culture. Random change can

57.leave them with too many words for one

58.concept, and not enough for another. In this

59.way, the flawed nature of language reflects

60.the foibles of flawed humans and the

61.imperfect worlds they strive to create.

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Acesso em: 21 nov. 2017.

A oração subordinada Armed with a knowledge of common linguistic sound changes (l. 33-34) refere-se