
Simulado: Vestibular IME - Inglês - 2013

7 questões | Inglês, Ensino Médio

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159 resolveram
43% acertos
17 ótimo
36 bom
72 regular
34 péssimo

I grew up in Brisbane, Australia, _______ a shady quiet street in the old part of town. 

Using a high-tech kit, the police found a single clue, tracked it _________ and saved the girl. 

In 2013, agents rescued 337 children and took 964 alleged predators __________ the street. 

Thousands gathered at Taksim Square in Turkey to protest the court ________________ on Ethem Sarisülük’s case. Ethem Sarisülük was shot in the head by a policeman during Gezi protests and the murderer was released by the court pending a trial. 

Fat? No way! Jane isn’t fat at all. _______________________, she is quite skinny. 

Not only _____________ his house, but his wife also walked out on him.

If we don’t hurry up, all the best seats ___________. 

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